Comments on: How to Get Children to Sleep – Making Bedtimes Easier Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Mon, 17 Aug 2020 21:15:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sabrina A Tue, 17 Dec 2019 00:33:42 +0000 I loved that you emphasized the importance of having a more consistent sleep routine and that having a set bedtime routine can help them wind down and have fewer problems in the day. My 3-year-old granddaughter has a very difficult time falling asleep at night and sometimes doesn’t get to bed until 2 a.m. When I go over to my daughter’s house tomorrow, I will suggest that they try starting a set bedtime routine to help relax and get her adjusted.

By: Jen Sat, 17 Feb 2018 19:58:00 +0000 Both of my 12 year old twins can’t get to sleep without me being in the room. I’d like to try the 1 minute away, 5 there technique but wasn’t sure if they ate still awake at the end of the 5 do you leave for 1 again and keep cycling until they go off?

By: Lisa Frommer Fri, 09 Sep 2016 06:41:40 +0000 I was plagued with fear of sleeping alone for many many years! My parents still wouldn’t let me sleep with my sister. I was so tired at school it was counterproductive to say the least and I suffered every single night! I still cannot sleep alone and I am 58 years old! Sometimes all the therapy in the world doesn’t fix this anxiety issue!

By: Asi Kaufman Tue, 06 Sep 2016 14:37:23 +0000 From a book called parenting for primates by Harriet J Smith. as of my recollection.
Gorillas would put their infants to sleep with them in thier own nest, which they build anew daily at a different spot at the forest. At some point when they grow up a bit, and when they have more control and can go up and down the tree; they will build them their own little nest. They will still let them fall asleep with them at their nest, and when they fall asleep they take them and put their in their own little nest, no anxieties, no fights, nada. After awhile the babies will simply prefer to go to sleep on at their own nest. Obviously their nest is not that afar. In a few million years, while cpntinue to evolve rather than devolve, we might gain their wisdom and ongelegent. We create to situation for anxiety and then get too creative on how to solve them. Good night to all our fellow humane beings. (thinking of which, its not in the book, im guessing the babies are watching their parents building their nests, and some point down the forset path, they start to help, bringing a small branch here, and etc. Which i would then think if preoaring the room and orgenizing the bed together to be a pleasent cozy place with ? and have the kid lead the way on that, or be very receptive to his little quirks and let him set the stage. Also reviewing the dates event and clear them, the stressfull ones are what they take with them to their sleep, not talking about it before doesn’t add a thing. And touch and massage until they get relaxed, and anxieties leave, you know give them their grooming session, im sure they wouldn’t mind to get some more of it, and let them wane into peaceful sleepiness!

By: Karen - Hey Sigmund Tue, 06 Sep 2016 07:16:16 +0000 In reply to Sophie.

It sounds as though your little one is in a habit of waking up being soothed in a certain way. There is no easy way to break this habit – patience, consistency and perseverance, but it can be done. It’s about gradually getting her used to putting herself back to sleep when she wakes up at night. Start with holding her for ten minutes, putting her down for five, then repeat that until gradually the time you hold her is less and the time she is on her own is more. I’m not a fan of letting them cry themselves to sleep. This is a way to help them learn how to self-soothe, while still letting them know that they aren’t on their own. You might want to start by staying in the room during the time you put her down. Be patient. She might get worse for a little while before she gets better, but this is completely normal – when something that used to work stops working, we’ll all tend to do more of what used to work until we learn that it really doesn’t work any more.

Try not to be there when she falls asleep. As much as this is something you do out of great love, it can also undermine her ability to learn how to self-soothe. Don’t lose heart if things don’t change quickly. Keep going and be consistent – it can take anywhere from 3-5 weeks to form a new habit (and lose an old one).

By: Karen - Hey Sigmund Mon, 05 Sep 2016 12:17:25 +0000 In reply to Sara.

Hi Sara – so pleased you’re finding the articles here helpful! Two little ones in a room can definitely make bedtimes challenging. Sounds like they have fun winding each other up a little. Persistence will be key for this one. The only other thing I can suggest is to try some relaxation exercises before hand. (Maybe progressive muscle relaxation?). On the plus side, the fun they have before bedtime will be some of their fondest memories one day. Be patient and persistent and keep with your routine – it sounds like a lovely one.

By: Sophie Mon, 05 Sep 2016 00:14:27 +0000 Hello,
Great article thank you for sharing. It has made me think about the lay out of our daughter’s bedroom.

Do you have any tips on how to settle a 17 month old that wakes in the middle of the night unsettled and becomes very distressed if I try to lay her back in her cot. It takes 2-4 hours of holding her, eventually exhaustion kicks in and she falls asleep enough for me to be able to place her back in her cot.

She is a self settler at night. We follow the same bed time ritual each night. The problem is if she wakes then I am up anywhere between 2-4 hours trying to settle her back to sleep.

We have tried co-sleeping but she isn’t a fan of it.


By: Sara Sat, 03 Sep 2016 17:01:30 +0000 Hi Karen,
Your insightful article arrived in my inbox with perfect timing, which is often the case with articles from Heysigmund! My hubby and I have an ongoing conversation about this topic and while we’ve tried a few of your suggestions already, I now have a few more that I believe can be really effective with both my highly sensitive 6 year old and 5 year old. One of our biggest challenges is giving them the opportunity to fall asleep on their own. The boys share a room and when we stick to our bedtime routine of bath, brush teeth, story, quick cuddle and leave the room, they often keep each other up. Of cours, this leads to frustration and resorting to non productive behaviors in all 4 of us. I love the back in 5 minute suggestion and to a degree we have tried this although still a challenge to keep them calm and in their beds before we get back. Any other suggestions? Maybe just consistency, calm patience and more calm patience will be answer….?
Thank you so much for what you do, both my husband and I find Heysigmund so incredibly helpful!

By: Karen - Hey Sigmund Sat, 03 Sep 2016 02:59:48 +0000 In reply to L.

It’s great that you have a psych you can work with. Keep working with her on this. The reason your daughter is getting stuck with her habits is because they are the behaviours that help to keep her anxiety at bay. The reason the consequences you’re putting in place usually don’t work is because those consequences aren’t worse than the anxiety or her experience when she isn’t using her habits to control them. It’s also not something she is doing to be defiant or naughty. For her, it’s a way to feel safe. When she does it, it activates the feel-good chemicals that surge when we get something we want. This is why it will be difficult for her just to stop it without replacing it with something else. The idea is to find something that is healthier for her than what she is doing now.

There is a ton of research that shows that mindfulness can help with anxiety. It changes the structure and function of the brain to strengthen against anxiety. Something to try might be a mindfulness practice before bed. Here is an article that explains that Smiling Minds have a brilliant app that plays different mindfulness exercises for different ages. Here is the link for you to have a look at Headspace also have one that is popular but Smiling Minds is the one I’m familiar with. Smiling Minds is free. I’m not sure about Headspace but here is the link if you want to take a look at that one too This might be a way to replace the habit with a healthier one. It might be something to explore with your psych if you haven’t already.

By: Karen - Hey Sigmund Fri, 02 Sep 2016 23:40:36 +0000 In reply to Jonas.

Jonas I love this idea. Thanks for sharing.
