Comments on: Phew! It’s Normal. An Age by Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens – And What They Need From Us Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Wed, 03 Jan 2024 03:18:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: PR Wed, 03 Jan 2024 03:18:57 +0000 In reply to Robert W.

It is absolutely normal to play with kids. I am only a 13 year-old girl. But, I always play and talk to kids from ages 1-18.

By: Kathleen Sun, 20 Aug 2023 12:38:26 +0000 In reply to Katie.

Katie- how are you doing now?

By: Alienfunk Sun, 26 Jun 2022 08:53:13 +0000 In reply to HM.

Dads you are doing the right thing and the best you can in your circumstances, keep up the contact with your children no matter what. I know if hurts to be ignored but believe me when they are older your contact will be used as a reference to how much you loved, wanted and needed them. They will forget all the times you tried to contact them unless you keep the messages flowing. Believe me when I say there is nothing worse than a parent that doesn’t bother, it makes you feel unwanted and uncared for.
I’m 47 years old now and unfortunately my dad was one of those dads that tried up until my teenager years when I rebelled and then he backed off all together and I grew up thinking he didn’t care. We are in touch now but he doesn’t phone me, I always have to phone him and that kinda hurts. That said I know he loves me and that’s what keeps me calling him.

By: HM Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:29:57 +0000 In reply to Keith H.

I am in the exact same situation. I am happy to read about your experience because now I know I am not the only one. My 10 year old daughter lives with her mom and her younger brother in Europe (I am in America). She and I used to talk on Whatsapp daily for years and all of the sudden it stopped when she turned 10. I thought it was something I did but I know now that it’s because she’s growing as a person. She’s making friends and living her life while I wait by the phone to see if she replied. She used type and record long messages with heart emojis. Now all I get is ‘K’, “Fine”, etc. I miss my little princess. I had no idea this would happen; we used to be so close. If I knew there was an expiration date of that sweetness I would’ve made the most of it. My son is turning 10 next year. He’s the kindest soul. Will he turn out this was too? I really hope not. Being a long distance divorced dad sucks. It hurts to watch them grow from a distance and the only way to stop hurting is to sever contact. That is a terrible idea.

By: Rachael Tue, 01 Jun 2021 23:14:57 +0000 Can you ask her sister/your other daughter to intervene? I can’t imagine the thought that something I was doing was breaking my dad’s heart. Does she know how much she is hurting you? You were being honest and as much as it upsets your daughter, hopefully she will realize the truth someday. If your ex wife is the way that you say she is then your daughter will find that out on her own. Hopefully, she won’t have to learn that lesson in a very difficult way. I understand that your daughters may not leave with you if you try to remove them from the situation and you can’t force them, really. Have you tried to talk to the police or a lawyer?

By: blake Sat, 29 May 2021 10:25:09 +0000 you are in every right to be frightened but remember there your children too and you and you have a right to stand up for them and yourself

By: Mike Tue, 27 Apr 2021 14:13:34 +0000 Hey Gary:

I went through the same thing with another selfish, manipulative lunatic.

I reported it to the police and social services. Three months later I had full custody.

By: Cem Sat, 24 Apr 2021 01:52:58 +0000 Excellent article!! Very specific descriptions of what children need at every age. My parents were neglectful but I’d take neglect anyway to helicopter parents who scrutinize their child’s every behavior. I was the youngest of five so benefited from the experience my parents received from parenting 4 children before me. My advice is the same as this authors—childhood is all about mistakes. Good to ignore most of them but know which ones you really need to address. Cruelty is a biggie. Lying and stealing should be addressed but in an age-appropriate way. But let the little stuff go!

By: Reese Thu, 11 Feb 2021 04:07:24 +0000 Pray and take it slow. Clearly, your daughter hasn’t seen anything in her mom to make her believe she’d EVER say/do that. Also, sometimes we say things we don’t mean, out of hurt. While I’d NEVER condone what she suggested she’d do, I do know the pain of misspoken words! Your daughter needs to find out for herself, if there is anything TO “find out”, how/who her mom is! It’s never a good idea to badmouth a parent to their child(ren). Let them learn from SEEING, not hearing. Just my thoughts! Blessings to you!

By: Keith H Wed, 06 Jan 2021 20:15:23 +0000 My daughter is 10 years old, her mother and I split about 3 years ago, but I saw my daughter regular enough, however now, she lives in Spain and I am still in Brasil. We communicate by whatsup, it used to be on a daily basis, more than once a day but has gone down to maybe once a week now. I message her 3-4 times a day to let her know I think about her all the time and tell her I love her. She will respond sometimes at an odd hour, and sometimes she will check her messages but not respond. Her mum says she is so like me, in her manner, ie, she does not converse a lot, if there is nothing to say, she is content to be quiet, like her dad. I am from Scotland and am a quiet, reserved guy, mind my own business etc. she is exactly the same. When we lived together her and I could communicate by looking at each other, and if her mum sends me a photo of Bella, she makes sure she gets a message to me. Its me that is finding it difficult being apart, I just think she does not understands how much I miss her, and how much it hurts when she does not reply, although I do understand.
