Comments on: Children and Perfectionism – How to Help Children Manage the Thoughts That Drive Perfectionism Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Mon, 17 Aug 2020 12:30:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erin Tue, 10 Sep 2019 17:37:12 +0000 This is great advice! I so appreciate your work. I am a school counselor and will soon be writing on this topic for a school newsletter. Do you mind if I reference some of the ideas you share here? Many thanks!

By: Karen Young Wed, 19 Dec 2018 06:53:23 +0000 In reply to Marsha E.

The important thing to remember is that behind all behaviour is a valid need that is looking be met. Children aren’t deliberately naughty and they don’t want to make things difficult – even though that’s exactly what can happen sometimes. He might be feeling anxious about his parents being away, scared, he might be missing his parents or his familiar routine at home, he might need connection, or affection – it’s impossible to say. That doesn’t mean their behaviour is okay, but if you can understand the need it is trying to meet, and respond to that need, it can reduce the struggle. It’s difficult though – bed times can be so exhausting! Here is an article that might help

By: Marsha E Mon, 03 Sep 2018 03:47:27 +0000 I’d really appreciate your wisdom and suggestions for an easier, more pleasant bedtime. I keep my 3 1/2 y-o grandson and rarely have difficulty at nap time. (11:30 lunch then nap, usually sleeps 1 1/2 hrs and up at 2:30). However, his parents have been complaining he won’t go to sleep at night at his 8 pm bedtime. Tonight I kept him so they could go out. We did his usual routine including a bath and he selected a book to read. The minute we entered his bedroom he became Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde! It was awful. I ended up walking out and closing his door while he tossed his room and tried to engage me. Thank Goodness parents returned! Help, please!

By: Karen Young Mon, 30 Apr 2018 12:37:51 +0000 In reply to Candice.

Candice thank you! I’m so pleased your son was able to relate to the book. He sounds like an insightful, tuned in little man. (And I love the name Jack!)

By: Candice Thu, 26 Apr 2018 10:34:33 +0000 I just received my sons copy of Hey warrior!he is 7 years old. I read it to him, I didn’t tell him what it was about and he stopped me after the very first page and told me that he has anxiety and feels exactly like what the book was explaining. He named his warrior Jack! We practiced the breathing and he said he’s going to try and do it when he feels overwhelmed. Thank you so much for this amazing book. The pictures and word are beautiful. I recommend it to any parent struggling with a anxious child.

By: Karen Young Sun, 15 Apr 2018 13:45:59 +0000 In reply to Reiltin.

Hey Warrior is targeted for kids aged between 5-12, but the idea of it is to give all people insight into anxiety.

By: Reiltin Fri, 23 Mar 2018 07:11:29 +0000 Very interesting article. What age group is the book hey warrior suitable for?

By: Angela O'Malley Tue, 20 Mar 2018 22:49:36 +0000 Love your way of explaining such important topics Karen. It speaks to the little girl in me who can then deliver your wisdom and compassionate understanding to the little one in others.

By: Ritcha Sat, 17 Mar 2018 20:03:24 +0000 Perfectionism can lead to OCD. As self-talk or thoughts can be harmful ie the ones which say “check again you might have made a mistake” could result in similar repeated checkings which are a symptom of OCD. So I feel perfectionism should be discouraged in children and they should be taught its ok to make mistakes or forget something etc.
