Comments on: Anxiety at School – What Kids and Teens With Anxiety Need Teachers to Know Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Fri, 22 Jan 2021 04:37:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jake F Mon, 04 Jan 2021 03:55:46 +0000 This was so wonderfully written! It is written in a way that drives home the message that all students have so much to give the world, so much beauty, wonder, talent, resilience, intelligence, and potential inside them….but for some there are recurring thoughts and feelings that are discouraging and disparaging inside them that inhibits the giving of those wonderful, unique gifts…but luckily if given enough patience, encouragement, and respect those anxious students will in time deliver the best and most unique version of themselves that the world needs and awaits.

By: Alice C Tue, 13 Oct 2020 08:45:38 +0000 It’s interesting to know that group work is still something that a person with anxiety can benefit from as long as the group is small. I’m considering to enroll my kid in an online high school next year if there are no significant changes to the status of the current pandemic. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be a very stressful environment for her since.

By: Karen Young Sat, 05 Sep 2020 07:48:47 +0000 In reply to Jeff B.

I hear you. Anxiety can feel awful. I hope you are able to find information here that can help soften its intrusion.

By: Jeff B Thu, 03 Sep 2020 21:26:54 +0000 Anxiety is so difficult for me.

By: ann j Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:00:17 +0000 In reply to ann j.

school do not seem to be interested sorry for the mistake

By: ann j Mon, 13 Jan 2020 13:58:18 +0000 help my son has adhd and anxiety. it has come to the stage now where if he leaves the house he feels sick and his heart starts beating fast (panic attack) maybe , im not sure. he is 12 years old. i have tried explaining this to the school as he is in a school that deals with behavioral issues, but all i get is the education board on my back. school do seem to be interested, what can i do, also he is already on medication.

By: Karen Young Fri, 23 Aug 2019 04:45:24 +0000 In reply to Kersten B.

Kersten you are doing the right thing. When children are anxious, the brain locks up and they cannot learn. One of the most important things a teacher can do is to create and environment of safety. The connection with that teacher is a powerful way to do that. Some teachers are so amazing and they have enormous capacity to change young lives for the better. They will find independence and resilience, but first, safety, and this happens most profoundly in the context of safe, calm, respectful relationships between the teacher and the child.

By: Kersten B Thu, 22 Aug 2019 23:13:59 +0000 I am so glad I stumbled across this article. I started crying because it described me as a child, except I was the quiet shy type…never acted out in anyway. The reason I am researching is my son struggles with anxiety. We have done counseling but it’s not enough. These children need more than just talking to. I feel like they need to be talked through situations when they are the thick of it to show them how to cope and get through these struggles. My sons new 5th grade teacher yells at the kids if they don’t have their hands raised with an answer to a question. The 2nd day of school she made a remark… “Only 4 of you know the answer to this question!” Only 4 children had their hands raised. How belittling!! She is turning my sons life upside down and inside out. He has been in tears now 2 days in a row. I called the school and am going to meet with the principal. I will not put up with this behavior from a teacher. I feel I’m doing the right thing. We have to stand up for our children.

By: kat Wed, 10 Apr 2019 07:34:15 +0000 This has really helped me realize why i am how i am in lessons and what i want from my teachers in order to really do well in school. As a child of my age i really struggle with anxiety in school and i wish my school would see this website and i know that this would help all of the kids in my school with anxiety. I think that schools are putting too much pressure on children and they don’t understand why this scares us so much. Please do an article about how the punishment system and grading system cause anxious children to feel worried. As i looked through the comments the majority of the comments were made by adults and i just wanted to point out that from a child’s point of view this page is extremely relatable and if all teachers did this, school life would be made so much easier. Thank you so much for writing this page it makes me feel understood and that is an amazing feeling.

By: Melissa P. Mon, 29 Jan 2018 17:14:20 +0000 My youngest daughter is nine and I could read this article in her voice. It brought tears to my eyes because she is struggling so much in her class of 25 children, and she has convinced herself she is incapable of anything — and everyone who knows her knows this isn’t true. I’m going to send this to her teacher, who is wonderful and working with us on this. Thank you for this article. It is wonderful.
