Comments on: Dealing with School Anxiety: Powerful Things That Adults Can Do Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:57:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 08:20:11 +0000 Hiya. Good publishing actually. I must say I found something very useful for myself.
I wish it’s more. Thanks for sharing.

By: Jen Wed, 30 Jan 2019 00:18:28 +0000 This is a work in progress for me with my 8, almost 9 year old daughter. We have A metal health plan for her and see a therapist that gives her and us tools to help her. Her anxiety isn’t severe, but it can rear it’s head up unexpectedly at times and I can really struggle with being understanding to her needs, especially when I have 2 younger kids that need to too. Her anxiety shows up with me the most and I think that is my biggest struggle with her. I know it’s not happening to me, that she’s going through something and I really try to take myself/emotions out of the equation, but not always. If something challenges her/scares her and I’m not present she can push through and then she’s so proud of herself, as am I. But if I’m there, she will succumb to her fears. My husband will get easy school drop offs, where I will get tears and refusing to let go of me, with no lead up to it. This is a work in progress and it makes me worry for her. I nice to read all the comments to know we are not alone in this.

By: Laura Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:05:55 +0000 I feel like I have been given a gift today. My child suffered all through high school and is now in college. She now has panic attacks which have frightened me. I think I have been quilty of overtalking to her in an attempt to get her to feel better. She is presently in counseling and this will give me so much direction as her parent. Thank you so much!!

By: Valentina Mon, 22 Jan 2018 14:56:14 +0000 In reply to Christine Anthony.

Lovely! Thanks.

By: Karen - Hey Sigmund Sun, 08 Jan 2017 12:29:07 +0000 In reply to Angela.

Angela I completely understand how distressing this can be for everyone. As difficult as it is, it’s very likely your son will eventually grow out of this. At the moment, there is a very clear association between school and distress. Before he has any time to think about whether or not school is a threat, he is accessing memories of the distress he has come to associate with school drop-off. It will take time to untangle this, but it can be done. Try using the strategies in the article. There are also articles on this link which will have ways to manage your son’s anxiety at drop-off and help to ease his distress. I hope they help to bring comfort to you and your son’s and to take the trauma out of your mornings.

By: Angela Thu, 05 Jan 2017 17:39:39 +0000 Thank you for your comments. I have a 5 year old who is a good boy but when I drop off at school he cries and the teacher has to rip him out of my car kicking and screaming. It takes him 45-1 hour to calm down while at school. Eventually he calms down and enjoys school. But the initial drop off is awful. He’s only 5 so he doesn’t understand why this is happening. Any suggestions???

By: Hey Sigmund Thu, 28 Apr 2016 01:23:42 +0000 In reply to Nicola.

Nicola I’m not sure if you have seen this article, but it will help your son to understand what is happening Anxiety is a frightening thing for kids – for adults too – but when they are able to understand why they feel the way they do, it is a powerful thing. Have you spoken to the school? Once they understand that anxiety is behind the behaviour, they will likely have some strategies and will work with you on a plan to best support your son.

By: Nicola Tue, 26 Apr 2016 16:16:25 +0000 Thank you needed to see this today the anxiety is so high at the mo and my son just won’t talk or open up to any one. Thing is it’s causing more and more school refusals which is causing my anxiety to rise as being threatened by school with the authorities .

By: Betty Tue, 01 Dec 2015 19:08:29 +0000 In reply to karina.

We had the same with our daughter and still do 3 years later, to a much lesser extent. I spent nearly a year of my life sitting in a school car park either trying to get her to go in or after agreeing to stay there incase she couldn’t stay in and needed to leave. On the rare good day I might get home for an hour when the school would ring and ask me to collect her. They didn’t have a clue what to do when she felt anxious. With the exception of one teacher, the school were very dismissive of the situation and offered virtually no assistance. She is 17 now and i have to say it’s the hardest thing I ever had to deal with as a parent. It’s such a struggle not to get angry and the frustration I feel sometimes can be overwhelming. We have done a lot of work with mental health experts to get her to the place she is at today, but one bad day can turn that all on its back. It really does take over and support can sometimes be hard to find. But it does get better and as they learn to cope and so do we. She attends school now more than she doesn’t, which for us is a dramatic improvement and she can socialize with peers which is lovely to see. I think its such a cruel and hard thing to live with and sometimes because there isn’t anything physical to associate to it, it’s hard to relate, We find ourselves tip toeing around our child, trying not to upset her or cause any anxiety that day, sometimes to our own detriment. Its hard work but the tools my child has learned for coping will hopefully stand to her in the future. Reading all the articles and all the comments helps, we are not alone in this, other families are living with this and its great that we can share and vent with people who understand. Thanks all

By: Jen Fri, 06 Nov 2015 13:03:19 +0000 In reply to Hey Sigmund.

Yes, that would be really useful. Thank you.
