Comments on: Helping Children With Anxiety: What to Say to Children When They Are Anxious Where the Science of Psychology Meets the Art of Being Human Fri, 22 Jan 2021 07:18:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paulina Fri, 22 Jan 2021 07:18:41 +0000 Under the current scenario, where we are going through a pandemic it is normal for children to experience anxiety, specifically when it comes to returning back to school for the new year. They might be scared of a possible COVD-19 transmission. Thus, it is recommended to create a positive environment and engage children in open discussion at homes with respect to the upcoming academic year. Provide them the opportunity of voicing their concerns and anxieties. This will surely help them in overcoming their own anxiety-provoking thoughts.

By: Karen Young Thu, 21 Nov 2019 04:46:06 +0000 In reply to Ally.

Hi Ally,
Here is an article that might help It can be hard to think about a plan about a situation that feels overwhelming, so he might need you to take the lead. Decide on a plan and let your gorgeous boy know what the plan is. He might not agree, and that’s okay. If he wants to make adjustments that still keep him loving towards brave behaviour that’s okay, otherwise the plan is as you decide. Speak to him about the plan with loads of love, warmth and strength. Let him know you absolutely believe in his capacity to do this, even if it feels hard. If the plan needs to be adjusted back a little that’s okay, as long as he is moving towards where he wants to be. ?

By: Ally Tue, 05 Nov 2019 02:31:54 +0000 Hi,
I have loved your article on what is actually physically happening in your body during a panic attack. I have a 13 year old son who all of a sudden has a panic attack at the school gate and can not get in. We read the arrivals together and he could relate to the physical symptoms, especially confusion. He has missed most of this final term of school and the school are now hounding us over it all which just makes things so much worse for everyone. One difficulty though, is the fact my son just can not voice what option he might like to try to get to school. Bus, drop off, teacher meet him, counsellor meet him, time in the library first etc. he simply says, I don’t know. Poor thing, I think he’s shutting down. What can I do to encourage him to communicate just a little more to help him create a pathway to success for himself. He is happy in every other area of life, however is a naturally a shy boy. He’s very gentle and caring, and it kills me to see that fear in his eyes when sitting in the car outside his school. Almost like a deer in headlights. I remember this feeling from when I had to go through it in my 20s.

By: Karen Young Sun, 09 Sep 2018 03:59:28 +0000 In reply to Sara.

So pleased you like the posts! No podcasts at the moment but never say never.

By: Sara Thu, 06 Sep 2018 05:45:56 +0000 Hello. Love your posts. Do you do podcasts?
Thanks ?

By: Lia Mon, 11 Jun 2018 15:39:12 +0000 In reply to Hey Sigmund.

I just found out my 13 year old is battling with that too.
Same as your 15 year old.
How is she doing now?

By: Karen Young Sat, 17 Mar 2018 05:46:57 +0000 In reply to JACQUIE ATHERSMITH.

Thanks so much Jacquie.

By: JACQUIE ATHERSMITH Thu, 15 Mar 2018 12:12:28 +0000 Hello, I feel very priveledged to read your articles, which were sent to my by a close adult friend diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. I think any information that reminds us, when evaluating thoughts or feelings : to get a proper prospective, reminds us of our own inner power, strengthens our resolve, and teaches us to be kind both to ourselves and others, is totally invaluable ! In a world where so much emphasis is based on technology, possessions, property, and personal gain, it is refreshing that we are reminded of what is actually really important. Health and Happiness. Everything else we do and say is a quest for these two simple truths, so why not strive for them first, and the rest will surely follow. Thank you for your insight and the healing love your work sends forth into the Universe. Kind Regards Jacquie Athersmith

By: Hollis Mon, 29 Jan 2018 03:49:55 +0000 Thank you for the great information! Lots of great ideas to share with parents, especially those who have a tendency to feel helpless in the midst of an anxiety attack!

By: Mon, 27 Mar 2017 21:50:03 +0000 In reply to Suzanne.

make sure shes not watching scary movies when youre not around…..suprising how many kids do over at a ” friends house!”
